Obtain your Permaculture Design Certificate while working at Habitat. We are a member of PDC-Exchange, a new non-monetary way to learn permaculture as part of an internship. That's right, it's free - you live, work and learn immersed totally in sustainable and regenerative systems while studying for a recognised PDC.
Site Tours
We welcome everyone interested in sustainablily and permaculture. Please contact us for an appointment.
We regularly offer sourdough, fermented foods and fermented drink workshops. Small classes without special equipment makes the knowledge you aquire directly useful back in your home.
Habitat is 4 hectares of rich basalt soil on the southern flank of Mt Canobolas near Orange in the beautiful Central West of NSW.
The property is certified organic and biodyamic by the Organic Food Chain, number 746
supporting a vineyard, winery, cellar door, market garden, chickens, sheep and small orchard
designed using permaculture principles.
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What is Permaculture?

Permaculuture is a design science for sustainable living in a low energy
future. By getting the design right early we save energy, time and money while enabling food security and quality of life.
Habitat - defn: a place of type of place that provides food, water and refuge for a species or individual.